Total positive cases this time frame - 404
Total number of cases since March 21, 2020 - 45,400
Number of deaths associated with COVID-19 this time frame - 2
Total number of deaths associated with COVID-19 since March 21, 2020 - 543 (per NCDHHS Dashboard)
Most of the indicators show an improvement as it relates to viral spread. Declining rates were seen in emergency room visits for COVID, overall number of cases and wastewater system viral loads; hospital admissions rose but typically this parameter occurs subsequent to increases and decreases in the amount of virus in the community. Community transmission in the county remains moderate (yellow) per CDC's transmission map. One quarter of the state is now ranked high in transmission - one area noted as such is the middle counties on the eastern coast in the state. Over 15% of the electronically submitted lab test results were positive, far above the 5% goal.
With FDA and CDC approval, children six months old and above can now be vaccinated for COVID-19. Vaccine has been arriving for the first wave. The Health Department is a part of the second wave which should arrive late this week or early next week. Because both Pfizer and Moderna are being received, you should contact your intended provider to ascertain vaccine availability. As a reminder, pharmacies are not allowed to vaccinate children under age 3.