Local contractors bored into one of the water lines of the Columbus County Public Water Supply System in Columbus County Water & Sewer District Ill. Staff are working diligently to repair service to customers.
The area affected includes Tart Road customers with addresses higher than 8917, James B. White Hwy North, Red Hill Road, Memory's Corner, Plum Street, and Peach Street. Due to local contractors reversing the flow of water throughout the system, customers may experience water quality issues such as discolored water. Customers that experience problems with discolored water will need to contact the afterhours telephone number, 910-770-2158, to report concerns. Staff will be working diligently to monitor potential issues that may arise. The system should be clear within the next 24 hours. It is recommended that water used for consumption should be boiled during the next 24 hours.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid04mps4NfnHpRTNVuV2G5QTAJqFm12Z5XyKma6GomG9PbAkSW6Ni7UVLYh6DLoAr2vl&id=100064859493880